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NTCOG Youth Ja Fb. / Ig. / Tw. / Be. Address New Testament Church of God Convention Center, Rhoden's Pen, Old Harbour Road, Jamaica
Ph: +1.831.705.5448
Work Inquiries
Ph: +1.831.306.6725


History &

Established in 1946 by the Church of God General Assembly, the General Department of Youth and Christian Education started its ministries in 1969, with significant developments under leaders like Rev. Ronald Blair, who introduced the Youth Fellowship and Youth Camp. Leadership from Donald Roberts to Rev. Kevin Page (1988-present) focused on enhancing camping ministries, emphasizing Christian education, developing leadership, and fostering discipleship among youth. Initiatives such as the National Youth Congress, Regional Congresses, Excellence Exhibitions, and the International Teen Talent Competition have been pivotal. The Department’s evolution reflects a commitment to visionary leadership, creativity, and the transformation of both the church and wider society.


Our Ministries.

Igniting Faith, Impacting Futures

Mission and Vision

We exist to fulfil the Great Commission by helping our youths to become mature believers and disciple makers.

Our vision is to advance the Kingdom of God through engagement in an exciting, creative and balanced ministry driven by purpose and the Spirit’s power as we reach, teach and send persons into life changing Christian service.

Meet The team

National Youth Board

The leadership of the National Youth and Discipleship Board of the New Testament Church of God – Jamaica is chaired by the Bishop Dr. Roy Notice, Administrative Bishop, and led by Rev. Kevin Page, National Youth and Discipleship Director
National Youth and Discipleship Director

Kevin Page

National Youth Board Member

Rev. Dr. Owayne Frater

National Youth Board Member

Rev. Stanley Ivey

National Youth Board Member

Geraud Brown

National Youth Board Member

Markel Wright

National Youth Board Member

Stenneth Davis

National Youth Board Member

Glennese Dunkley-Baker

National Youth Board Member

Everton Robinson

National Youth Board Member

Orane Williams

National Youth Board Member

Kemar Campbell

National Youth and Discipleship Director

Kevin Page

Rev. Kevin Page is an Ordained Bishop of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica with International Offices in Cleveland Tennessee, United States of America.  

He obtained his undergraduate degree in Theology at the Bethel Bible College in Mandeville (Hon.), after which he obtained his Master’s Degree in Theology at the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology in Kingston (Hon.). He also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from Jamaica Theological Seminary. Presently, he is enrolled at Columbia Theological Seminary where he is pursuing a Doctorate in Ministry. 

Rev. Page is the National Youth and Discipleship Director of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica. He is also an adjunct lecturer at Bethel Bible College and serves as a marriage officer, and as a Justice of the Peace for the parish of St. Andrew. 

Rev. Page is happily married to Racquel and the union has produced two children.

National Youth Board Member

Rev. Dr. Owayne Frater

Rev. Dr. Owayne Frater is an Ordained Bishop in the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica, where he now serves as the Pastor of the Cave and White House New Testament Church of God on the Cave District of Churches in the parish of Westmoreland. At present, he serves as a District Overseer and gives supervision over six churches.

 Rev. Dr. Frater is a Graduate of Bethel Bible College of the Caribbean-Jamaica in Mandeville where he successfully pursued a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology and completed a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies at the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology. He is recently completed his Doctoral degree at the Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta Georgia, USA.  

 His passion for teaching has led him to pursue a teaching Diploma in Religious Education at the Jamaica Theological Seminary.

Rev. Dr. Frater is from the Parish of Trelawny.  He is Marriage to KayAnn and the union has produced a son, Josiah and a daughter Joanna. 

National Youth Board Member

Rev. Stanley Ivey

Rev. Stanley Ivey is the National Christian Education Unit Director in the National Youth and Discipleship Department of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica.

Rev. Stanley Ivey is an Ordained Bishop of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica with International Offices in Cleveland Tennessee, United States of America. He serves as the District Overseer of the Mineral Heights District of Churches. 

He obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Theology with a Minor in Pastoral Studies (Honours) at the Jamaica Theological Seminary. He also served as Dean of Bethel Bible College, Jamaica Kingston Extension.

Rev. Ivey is a Marriage Officer and author of the book, “The Believer’s Spiritual Development Manual: Growing The Believer in Spiritual Maturity.”

National Youth Board Member

Geraud Brown

Rev. Geruad Brown is an Ordained Bishop of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica with International Offices in Cleveland Tennessee, United States of America. 

He is a graduate of Bethel Bible College of the Caribbean Jamaica where he obtained a Bachelor of Theology with a minor in Guidance and Counselling. 

Rev. Brown has been saved for over twenty years and has been pastoring for ten. He is currently the Pastor of the Rousseau Road New Testament Church of God and serves as a member of the National Youth and Discipleship Board. He lives by the mantra “Only what is done for Christ will last.”  

Rev. Brown has been happily married to Natalie for the past seven years.

National Youth Board Member

Markel Wright

Rev. Markel Wright is an Ordained Bishop of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica with International Offices in Cleveland Tennessee, United States of America.  

He is a graduate of Bethel Bible College of the Caribbean-Jamaica where he obtained a Bachelor of Theology with a minor in Guidance and Counselling. 

Rev. Wright has been Pastoring for over eighteen years. He is currently the Pastor of the McDonald Lane New Testament Church of God and serves as a member of the National Youth and Discipleship Board

Rev. Wright is happily married to Suzette and the union produced two sons.

National Youth Board Member

Stenneth Davis

Rev.  Dr. Stenneth Davis is an Ordained Bishop of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica with International Offices in Cleveland Tennessee, United States of America. 

He holds a Diploma in Education, a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Theology, a Master of Arts in Leadership and Management, and a Doctorate in Transformational Leadership. 

Dr. Davis is the District Overseer and Pastor for Newport District of Churches in Manchester, Jamaica. He is the Principal of Baillieston Primary and Infant School in Clarendon. In addition, he is a member of the National Youth and Discipleship Board. He has served as the former Assistant Director of the Evangelism Board in the New Testament Church of God. 

Dr. Davis is happily married to Velma and the Union has produced two fast growing young men.

National Youth Board Member

Glennese Dunkley-Baker

Rev. Glennese Dunkley-Baker is an Ordained Minister in the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica. 

She is a graduate of Bethel Bible College where she obtained a Bachelor of Theology with minor in Guidance and Counselling. She also obtained Bachelor of Arts Degree in Guidance & Counselling at International University of the Caribbean and Human Resource Management Level 5 Certification from VTDI/HEART/NST along with a diploma in Information Technology. 

Rev. Dunkley-Baker has been saved for over 30 years and currently pastoring the Springfield New Testament church of God in Clarendon and a Member of the National Youth and Discipleship Board. She is also a certified Church of God Chaplin. 

Rev. Glennese Dunkley-Baker is happily married to Renaldo Baker. 

National Youth Board Member

Everton Robinson

He is an Ordained Bishop of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica with International Offices in Cleveland Tennessee, United States of America.

Rev. Everton Robinson is an Ordained Bishop of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica with International Offices in Cleveland Tennessee, United States of America.  

He holds a Bachelor of Theology and Masters of Science in Counselling and Consulting Psychology.

Rev. Robinson is the District Overseer for the Sandy Bay District of Churches and the pastor of the Sandy Bay New Testament Church of God. He serves as a member of the National Youth and Discipleship Board.

Rev. Robinson has served within the education system as teacher of Religious Education, Guidance Counselor, and Lecturer. He presently serves as Director of Student Services and Admissions at the Bethel Bible College of the Caribbean- Jamaica. He is a marriage officer and counselor, and a Justice of the Peace for the island of Jamaica.

Rev. Robinson is happily married to Wendy and the union has produced two daughters

National Youth Board Member

Orane Williams

Rev. Orane Williams is an Ordained Minister of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica with International Offices in Cleveland Tennessee, United States of America.  

He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy at the University of the West Indies and is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, Cleveland, Tennessee. 

Rev. Williams served as the National Children’s Ministries Director and as a member on the National Boys Ministry Board in Jamaica. After moving to the Bahamas, he served as a member of the National Youth Board and was the District Youth Director for Eastern New Providence Region of the New Testament Church of God – Bahamas.

At present, Rev. Williams serves as the Associate Pastor of the Portmore New Testament Church of God and as a member of the National Youth and Discipleship Board.  

He is happily married to Chenelle and the Union has produced two children. 

National Youth Board Member

Kemar Campbell

He is an Ordained Minister of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica with International Offices in

Rev. Kemar Campbell is an Ordained Minister of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica with International Offices in Cleveland Tennessee, United States of America.  

He obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Theology with a minor in Guidance and Counselling from the Bethel Bible College of the Caribbean, Jamaica. He also obtained a Master of Arts degree in Leadership at Luther Rice College and Seminary in Georgia, after which, he went on to receive educational training at Bethlehem Moravian College. 

Rev. Campbell is currently serving at the Portmore New Testament Church of God in the capacity of Associate Pastor and District and Local youth director. He also serves on the National Youth and Discipleship board as well as the National Music and Worship Unit.

Rev. Campbell is happily married to Rev. Frayah Campbell and the union has produced one boy.

Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant

Sharon Campbell

Administrative Assistant

Sharon Campbell

Sharon Campbell is employed at the National Administrative Office of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica. 

She is the Administrative Assistant to the National Director of Youth and Discipleship. She has the privilege to be an Assistant to other National Directors.

Sharon is a member of the Eastwood Park New Testament Church of God. Outside of the office, Sharon is just as dynamic. She is a member of the Jamaica Association of Administrative Professionals – Kingston Chapter and presently serves as Chairman of the Rules and Bylaws Committee. She loves people and is willing to assist where necessary.


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