Ministry Overview

The National Children’s ministry is the arm of the Youth & Discipleship Department with primary responsibility for the growth and development of children. The core purpose of this ministry is to lead, guide and disciple children irrespective of where they are in their relationship with Christ. The ability to minister to children is one of the most unique features of this ministry.
The children’s ministry uses various forms of activities to engage with children including camps, children’s church, and bible quizes. There are several resources also available to youth leaders who are interested in building their ministry with our help.
Our general hope is that by reaching children in their youth, we can develop them into kingdom servants fit for the task ahead. We reject the notion that children cannot accept Jesus due to their age and we endeavour to preach the gospel in ways they can understand to bring them to a full understanding of the gospel.
Meet Delecia Wisdom
Delecia gave her life to the lord at the age of seven and was baptised at age eight. She has a passion for the salvation of children and knows from personal experience that children can stay saved and grow in the Lord. Her children’s ministry mantras are “there is no Junior Holy Ghost” and “children aren’t only the Church of tomorrow, they are the Church of today.
Delecia has been working with children in the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica for 14 years. She was appointed to the National Children’s Ministry in 2019 and currently serves as the National Children’s Ministry Director of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica. She also serves in several capacities at her local Church, the Clifton New Testament Church of God in Jamaica. She is happy to be an Associate Clinical Psychologist by profession as she truly enjoys her job.

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