National Tertiary Students Ministry
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About Us
The National Tertiary Students’ Ministry (NTSM) is a specialized ministry created to give spiritual and developmental care to the students of the New Testament Church of God. Membership in this ministry begins at sixth form and continues as persons pursue studies in universities and colleges.
The ministry serves to address the growing needs and challenges of our students. There are three main arms to the ministry: Church, Campus and Chaplaincy. Partnering churches seek to support students as they continue to grow as Christians while studying away from home. The chaplaincy arm seeks to facilitate document processing and counselling for students. The campus arm seeks to encourage students to use their gifts/talents/abilities to advance the gospel through various initiatives on the campuses.
The primary mandate of the NTSM is to engage all students of the New Testament Church of God in tertiary institutions around the world, care for them holistically and finally return them to their local congregations for meaningful kingdom service.
Meet Rev. Roneil Parkins
Rev. Rhoneil Parkins was raised in the parish of Clarendon. He has been a Christian for 18 years and is a member of the Palmers Cross New Testament Church of God. Since accepting Jesus, he has developed a passion for God’s word and work and love for His people. Rhoneil is a proud past student of the Glenmuir High School and the Bethel Bible College of the Caribbean- Jamaica where he obtained his Bachelor of Theology with a minor in Guidance and Counselling.
Rev. Rhoneil Parkins is a credentialed minister in the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica and pastors the New Trysee New Testament Church of God in St. Ann. He is also an Adjunct Lecturer at Bethel Bible College of the Caribbean, Jamaica. He is the National Tertiary Students’ Ministry Director (NTSM).
Colossians 3:23 guides Rev. Parkins’ life. “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”

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